When the harsh winter cold passes and the weather warms up, it feels like a weight has been lifted. However, this sudden temperature change can cause various issues for our precious homes. To keep your house safe, be sure to check the following areas carefully:
Inspect the Roof and Drainage System
As the snow from winter melts, it can cause leaks in the roof. Check the roof for any signs of water damage from melting ice or snow, and ensure that gutters and downspouts are clear. Also, inspect for any damage or cracks in the roof.
Check for Cracks in the Foundation and Exterior Walls
Cold weather can cause cracks in the foundation and exterior walls. As the weather warms up, water can seep through these cracks, causing potential damage. Walk around the foundation and exterior of the house to check for any cracks or damaged areas.
Check the Seals Around Windows and Doors
The silicone sealant around windows and doors can freeze and crack as temperatures change. Inspect all windows and door frames to make sure there are no air leaks or water coming in. If seals are damaged, consider replacing them with new sealant.
Inspect Indoor Plumbing
When pipes freeze and thaw, there is a risk of them bursting or getting damaged. Turn on all faucets to make sure water flows properly and listen for any unusual sounds. Be sure to check plumbing in areas like the basement or garage, which are more prone to freezing.
While the warmer weather is a welcome change, spotting and addressing hidden issues in your home early can help ensure a safer and more comfortable winter. How about taking this opportunity to do a thorough inspection and protect your home?

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